Sunday, December 6, 2009


Was at Union Avenue Church for an opera rehearsal from 6-9pm tonight, where at the end of rehearsal, we got word that six cars (mine included) were broken into and burglarized. I went into the lot, and the people on the scene told me that my car didn't look like it had been bothered as there were no broken windows. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that my car radio was ripped out and my radio-faceplate and iPod (concealed from view, like you do) were missing. The police looked at my lock and noticed it had been popped or jimmied with...thus no need for breaking the windows. At least my steering-wheel club was functional...they ain't stealing this mofo again, even if it is 10 years old and a money pit.

I'm livid. Shaky-irrational livid...and it's been over three hours since.

Turns out that no security was present on the lot because of cutbacks. Glorious.

I get it. The CWE area isn't the safest, and life is unpredictable...but really? I sometimes debate whether working/leisuring there is worth it if I have to be prepared for this SHIT every three or four years. And what happened to me is unmistakably mild.

I have absolutely no Christmas spirit right now. Don't even know if I can now enjoy working on Amahl--an otherwise genuinely joyous experience. F*#@!

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