Monday, April 6, 2009

Back drama!!!

Oy, my back!!! I think I pulled something during all that comical crawling-around in Don Pasquale. Seriously, my back has been in SUCH pain lately. I had a short episode like this a few years back, but it went away after a massage. I guess I did something much worse. The pain is seriously impairing my ability to do just about ANYTHING.

As such, I got in the car (a feat in and of itself--lateral movements are a BITCH!) and went to the doctor. After a look, he said, quite plainly:

"Do you want narcotics?"

I found the statement a little funny, considering you usually hear the word "narcotics" on Cops in reference to someone who's about to be or already has been arrested for possession. Nevertheless, the doctor put me on Vicodin. While it DOES make the pain go away, I feel like it's a mere mask.

I feel like such a dumbass for letting my back get this unhealthy. They say that back pain is a life-long problem unless you're constantly doing something about it. I think this is a real wakeup call. More later...

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