Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rant: Spoiled, Errant Children

WARNING: I'm about to get very political, angry and possibly, admittedly irrational.  Beware some language, and if you're a republican, you may want to pass this one over.

I realize that in this Obama era, we're all supposed to be post-partisan and willing to reach across the aisle and blah, blah, blah.  I have tried very hard to understand and read about all viewpoints left, moderate and right...especially those on the right, for they're usually tough to swallow.

But when it comes to the economic recovery/stimulus package and the Republican obstructionist actions, I say screw least for now.  Obama tried his level best, and it's just not good enough for those spoiled, errant children in the GOP.

The Republican obstructionists seeking to score cheap political points (and the blue-dog Democrats that enable their bullshit) are despicable.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not even completely sold on this economic recovery/stimulus package.  It's damn risky...but what other choice do we have?  Do we apply defibrilator paddles to the rapidly dying body, or do we step back and say that if we leave it alone, it will cure itself?  I know the sane, if uncertain, option.

As of right now, it looks like the stimulus will pass the Senate, barely...with credit due to a few Republicans who chose to be proactive.  Nevertheless, why should Obama and those working under him EVER trust the Republicans?  If one looked at this in Peanuts terms, the GOP is holding a football, only to "fake out" the Democrats every single damn time it is offered.  This whole circus is a desperate ploy to try and regain power in 2010, 2012 and beyond.  They know that the only glimmer of a hope for Republican Revolution 2.0 (and avoidance of being a minority, regional party) is for the stimulus plan to fail.  That's all they have, and they'll stop at nothing by acting like spoiled, errant children that deserve a swift backhanding.

My advice to the Obama and his party: don't bother kicking the football.

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